Aren't You a Realtor?
I cook... a lot.
Why? Because I’m hungry, passionate, enjoy learning, love to feed people, am intrigued turning simple raw ingredients into a dish for others to crave, and because it satisfies my soul.
I can say the same about being a Realtor: I enjoy going to the market of potential sellers and seeing which homes they have to offer. I carefully select which ones I’d like to work with, based on my experience and passions. I bring them home, target my audience (who am I feeding?) and create savory advertising that gets picked up on blogs worldwide. People ask me for recipes, for guidance as I ready their home for market. That creates traffic to both my home and yours. People know that if I’m cooking, they can arrive hungry. When I’m listing your house, Buyers will come and be satiated.
Dessert? Handing over the set of keys to the new owner is like the cognac and chocolate by a winter’s fire for me.