(multiple offers!)

5247 Harbord Drive, Oakland
Listed for $1,295,000

5 Bedrooms, 3.5 baTHrooms

I do believe my Buyers and I saw every listing in Upper Rockridge and the surrounds for the year-plus time we worked together looking for their dream house.  We saw fixers, we saw gorgeousness, we did pre-inspections, we met at Broker Tours, and their kids got adept at helping me open the lockboxes.  "Patience is a virtue," my mother would say.  They knew what they wanted, and refused to settle (people after my own heart); I was determined to unearth that needle in the haystack.  When I did, there were multiple offers.  There were counteroffers going back and forth during breaks at a swim team championship meet.  On a cellphone, because there's no wi-fi at a pool (at least, not at this pool).  The nearby parents were routing for our kids in the pool and my clients during breaks.  I knew this was the house for them, and so did they.  When looking for that needle, you must also be keen negotiator... I'm glad I can be both, for all of my buyers!


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